The Pro’s and Con’s of Aluminum Hull Boats Vs. Fiberglass Boats Learn about the pro’s and con’s of aluminum boat hulls vs. fiberglass. This article
Tag: haulover inlet

Build A Boat In Your Backyard Building a boat in your backyard is possible. This project will involve a plan that will guide you through

Boat Cleaning Chores For Your Kids To Help With Owning a boat should be a family affair. After all, you’ll most likely spend lots of

6 Quick Tips for Fiberglass Boat Care & Maintenance A well-maintained fiberglass boat has the potential to offer many years of boating, pleasure and

What Should Be Your Ideal Boating Lifestyle? You can go to a boating holiday either with your friends and family or completely alone. A boating

Choosing the Right Propeller for Your Outboard or Sterndrive Engine Advice and guidance on how to pick the right propeller for your boat. Looking at

When Origami Meets the Kayak Looking for a better, more travel friendly way to seek adventure on the water. Take a look at some awesome

3 Tips to Help You Buy an Inflatable Boat If you own a big boat, yacht or sailboat, you may be looking to buy a

Port Vs Starboard In the sport of sailing, instead of using the terms right and left, we use Port and Starboard. Port is synonymous with

What Are The Alternatives to Anti Fouling? One of the most common questions for boat owners everywhere is – “How do I keep fouling off